But, but...I don't like Chinese food! Or, at least, I thought I didn't. I definitely don't like the Chinese food you get in America, with its limp vegetables, rogue shellfish, and too-salty, too-viscous sauces. So, as our bus rolled across the Laos border and into Yunnan province, I worried. Would I find anything to eat? Or would I end up crawling bashfully into McDonald's at the end of each day, desperate for nourishment?
That's a negative on the McDonald's (though I did have a tasty yak burger in the mountain town of Shangri-la). Chinese food in China, it turns out, is approximately 100 million times more delicious than any Chinese food I've ever had in the West. It varies enormously from region to region, so maybe we just visited all the right regions, but I never had a meal I didn't like. In fact, many meals I loved. And what better place for this love affair to start than Yunnan, the most beautiful corner of China?
Our first stop over the Laos border was Mengla, a small city where our bus paused for an hour so everyone could find dinner. We only had about $3 of Chinese money from changing our leftover Lao cash at the border, and couldn't find an ATM, but luckily there was plenty of cheap food available. At a restaurant with a picture menu, we pointed to what looked like your standard noodles with pork and peppers. Turns out that that guy in the corner stretching a handful of dough was making the noodles fresh! First surprisingly delicious meal of China.
Breakfast on the street the next morning in Kunming--steamed pork-filled buns, or pao. Pao seems to be the one snack you can find pretty much anywhere in China, and it fills you up nicely when you've only got 75 cents to your name (yup, still can't find an ATM).
I'm pretty sure that these dried and sugared disks are hawthorn fruit, which we later learned is also a popular street snack in Beijing. They're pretty good, and can stand in for pepperoni if you are making a candy pizza.
Mystery meat from a Lijiang restaurant. Maybe yak? Neither of us can remember what this was, but you can bet that we dipped it in that spicy red powder you see in the corner.
Same restaurant--this one was some kind of smoked pork. Very delicious.
Final dish from that dinner: fried goat cheese! Another Naxi specialty. I was surprised when it came with a little bowl of sugar for dipping, and even more surprised when dipping the cheese in the sugar improved it considerably. Those Naxi are on to something.
The magical Yunnanese seasoning that makes everything delicious. Where can I buy this stuff?

I took myself out to dinner while Andy was hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge. Since he had the camera, he told me to make sure to draw a picture of anything interesting I ate. My rice noodles with yak meat weren't so exciting, but this tasty coconut drink I had sure was!
How was I to know that you can find this drink all over China, and that we'd be able to take a picture of it the very next day?
On to Shangri-la, and a harder drink. Chinese beer is pretty weak, with only around 3% alcohol, meaning that even a wimp like me can down a giant bottle without getting too drunk.
Giant yak-burgers all around! Strangely, yak sometimes tasted like beef to us (as in this burger), but sometimes was much more like chicken (like in those kebabs earlier). Either different cuts of yak taste very different, or some of the meat we ate was counterfeit yak. But if it wasn't yak...hm, I don't like to think too far in this direction.
In case you were too lazy to click over to Andy's post, here's a picture of live yak and not-so-live yak together. Supermarkets in Yunnan sell about 20 different varieties of vacuum-packed dried yak (say that five times fast), and since we can't read Chinese, we could only decide which one to buy by package color. Red was pretty good.
We will call this dish "lunch-stop pork," because we had it twice at different roadside eateries on the long bus rides from Shangri-la to Deqin and back. The pork is cooked in a lot of spicy oil with a bunch of green peppers and is insanely delicious.
Our lovely Tibetan driver to the Mingyong Glacier took us to his house after for walnuts and Tibetan barley whiskey. You may conclude from the size of this jug that Tibetans drink quite a lot of it. He smirkingly poured us each a large teacupful and sat back to watch (he still had to drive us home) what would transpire. Andy passed, of course, so the honor of the team rested with me as I drained my cup o'booze. I thought I was holding it together pretty well until I started to lose feeling in all my limbs back in the car...
Felai Si, the small village we stayed in outside of Deqin, has no supermarkets, so we were forced to continue our packaged-goods experimentation at the local minimart. Thumbs up for the peanut milk in a can; thumbs down for these brown things, which turned out not to be chocolate (but what were they??).
This dessert sounded so good on the menu: honey guilin paste. Turned out to be slightly bitter jello tricked with some dark runny honey. Even that description makes it sound better than it was.
Breakfast options in Deqin were rather limited, but Andy did manage to find a bakery selling this unique pastry filled with sweet whipped cream and topped with spicy pork floss. Well, it was better than the honey guilin paste.
Back in Shangri-la, we decided to have an all-out yakfest. There was slice yak rib meat...
...and yak steak frites. A big shout-out to all the yaks of Yunnan for feeding us so well during our stay there.
The next day began with porridge on the square in Shangri-la.
It continued with a sugary peach drink for Andy and some drinkable red date yogurt for me. Understandably, this is a much more popular flavor than the soybean one I had in Kunming.
Little round walnut cakes, made by machines that squirt batter into waffle-iron-like, semispherical molds, are popular in Shangri-la and Lijiang. The finished product is probably better when served hot (ours weren't).
Amazing French fries on the street in Shangri-la, dusted copiously with magical Yunnan seasoning. Lunch is served!
Back in Kunming, Andy buys snacks for the 36-hour train ride to Shanghai. Sadly, these sticky-rice triangles looked more fun than they tasted.
I leave you now with a shot of the classic Chinese sleeper-train food: Instant noodles! Every car is equipped with a hot (scalding, more like) water dispenser that people use to make their instant soups for meals. Bringing our own noodles on board, we thought we'd fit right in, but it turns out that most Chinese people like the ones that come in their own cardboard bowl and gave us some very strange looks for eating ours out of Tupperware. Ah, well--it's not like we were going to blend, anyway.
I was sad to leave Yunnan, where I liked the food so much more than I had expected to...but whole new regions of Chinese cuisine awaited me. As our train sped east, I was no longer afraid of the meals to come, but hungry.
I took myself out to dinner while Andy was hiking Tiger Leaping Gorge. Since he had the camera, he told me to make sure to draw a picture of anything interesting I ate. My rice noodles with yak meat weren't so exciting, but this tasty coconut drink I had sure was!